Orders are shipped from our warehouse in Texas within 3-5 business days. Backordered items will be shipped separately at no extra cost. Orders with multiple items including a pre order or back ordered item will ship together once the back ordered item becomes available.
Vivi et Margot accepts all major credit, debit cards & PayPal
All orders are shipped via DHL Ground and Fedex. We also ship internationally.​ International customers acknowledge they are responsible for any import duties or taxes required upon delivery as per their country requirements. No refunds will be given for refusing delivery, your order will be considered abandoned.
Customer email addresses are used for shipment updates and future marketing of Vivi et Margot only.
We accept returns on all unused and unworn items within 60 days. Please send all returns to the following address:
Vivi et Margot Returns
1809 W.Frankford Road #100
Carrollton, TX 75007
If you receive an item that is damaged during shipping, please contact us immediately at info@vivietmargot and we will ship you a replacement. If a replacement of the item is unavailable, a full refund will be issued.
A sales tax of 8.25% will be added for Texas residents.
All order and credit card information is accepted through Stripe. Stripe is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, the most stringent level of encryption and certification.
If you have any questions about our policies, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@vivietmargot.com